SUNDAY BEST {think Positive}

I always say that I’m extremely blessed to have these moments when I can sit down and write these Faith posts. These affirmations are equally for me as they are for my readers. The messages that God lays on my heart always serve as reminders and come at crucial times. I am very grateful for this outlet and this reminder today to think positive.

This month I’ve been meditating on Proverbs 23:7 which lets us know that ‘ As a man thinks of himself; So he is’. How true is this? Who, like me, has moments of paramount assuredness and confidence? I have months where I’m extremely confident and conquering. Then I have those not so pleasant moments where I don’t feel as productive and connected to my environment; I sort of zone out of life. November has been one of those months for me. I’ve been a tad discouraged in my job search since finishing school, so I’ve been meditating on this word for a couple of weeks now.

culled from kouturekitten

It’s not always easy to think positive when you don’t feel it, but I think it’s important to remember that our thoughts dictate our mood, and not vise versa. Whenever we feel down, It’s up to us to remind ourselves that we don’t have to feel this way. Once we plant positive thoughts in our mind, our spirit will begin to accept them and it will begin to bear fruit in your mood. It ain’t easy, but in believing what the Bible says about you – How could you not be great?

Think Positive. Now off to do just that. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think! How do your thoughts affect your life and what do you do to combat trying negative thoughts?
Dress/Ankara, A.K.A; jumping Horse
Shoe: Aldo


  1. Juliet Polilova
    March 9, 2014 / 5:46 pm

    so in love with your dress print! you look just adorable šŸ˜‰
    very nice blog by the way šŸ™‚

    kisses from Russia,

    • Grace Alex
      March 9, 2014 / 8:43 pm

      Thanks love… I appreciate