Hello Everyone, its been long I did any post on Breakfast thoughts. Today I want to discuss about being content. I’ll start with a bible verse I like to remind myself whenever I feel discontent.. 
1Timothy 6:6 KJV
But godliness with contentment is great gain
Lately, I must confess that I’ve not been content, with work, my blog, and a lot of things and honestly I started getting depressed because of that, without taking into consideration a lot of things God has done for me.
I realized that when we stop understanding Gods faithfulness and begin to lust with our eyes for things we do not have and God hasn’t given us, we start getting discontent and sometimes it leads to depression and sin.
So lately I’ve decided, that whenever I’m getting to that point where I remember all these terrible things, that does not make me happy, I’ll remember 1Timothy 6
