Hello Everyone, First off I want to start by thanking everyone who supports this page with their feedback and mails, so today I’ll be dealing with a topic how I shop on Ali express, and do a little review about the site, which was a request made by a reader of the Blog

with that said I’ll kick off with a notable quote that says fashion isn’t necessarily luxury, I rephrased it because despite the fact that luxury can be excusable to be fashionable, luxury isn’t fashion (I hope you get the drift).

if you’ve gone through some of my recent post in the last few months you would realize that I’ve created some of my bought Item links towards this page since my introduction to this site by a at first my thoughts where skeptical, but after a few tries I was satisfied

A choies Top gotten from AliExpress

I advice people who try to purchase from this site to look through the customer review section of the store they are purchasing from as it helps in noting if you choose to continue purchase or not
secondly limit the need to buy electrical devices, which with one or two lessons I had a lesson or two to learn 
Items can be shipped free but comes at a cost(will be explained in the disadvantage section)
you can find your favorite stores and Items on sale
items left in your cart would remain their and sometimes prices drop and you will be notified.
you can always track your item prior to order

this is a Chinese website so if you are expecting this items to be of perfect High quality then, its not a place for you, that does not mean that, there aren’t stores on the site where products have great quality

Remember I told you of the free shipment, this takes 30-60 days before arrival but if you choose for it to arrive earlier you would probably pay more for the shipment than you will for the price of the goods and I mean whats the need 

Steps to Purchase
open an account just as you will, with a  jumia, konga or any other shopping site you
click your item and save to your cart
next step ensure you have a visa or master card and you have your bank account set up in such a way that you could use it for online banking as I have had problems before with a bank I was operating with
next click purchase.
also note that your zip code of where you stay is important

A number would be sent to your mail, to track your product till it arrives to your local mail and then brought to your door step

I hope this review, was enlightening, if you wish me to discuss any subject, you can live your message below or send me an email cheers



  1. Stephanie
    October 16, 2014 / 7:08 pm

    Sounds like a great website, defiantly going to check it out! Love the white sleeveless turtleneck

  2. Unknown
    October 24, 2014 / 1:05 pm

    I have purchased from the site before and it came in 15 days, they have excellent customer service.