Simple Style Monday

let me start by wishing everyone a great week ahead…. my day started on a good note got my phone fixed and preparing for my finals well… I wanted to get my style of today posted its a simple white semi-peplum blouse from #Message with a stripped skirt from #Message also shoes from cupid..

and I got a quote for the day… a good posture can make a difference in how your clothes look,, and I want to wish my boo  Happy Birthday #Lance Gross



  1. Anonymous
    July 9, 2013 / 9:12 pm

    Am sooooo in love with your sense of decency! Go gurl, u rock! One does not need to be naked to go classy! Thanks a lot.

  2. Grace Alex
    July 10, 2013 / 9:24 pm

    thank you dear