My Tuesdays, are usually a hangover of the weekend and a grasp of Monday and getting out of bed usually is a big deal and for many of us that happens. So its playful tantrums after another in my head with myself and when I get hold of the day, which I try to do early enough, because I feel any energy positive or negative with which you start your day with affect the rest of it. I usually use this opportunity to pen down what I need to get done for the week and schedule my blog post, and draw inspiration from the things around me.
So what is your Tuesday Banter
BANTER (talk or exchange remarks in a good-humored teasing way)



  1. Unknown
    July 1, 2015 / 7:19 pm

    My Tuesdays feel like torture. Closer to Friday, yet a reminder that even though I'd like the weekends to be longer, There isnt enough time when it comes to execute all pending tasks as a result of a 9-5 job. So the cycle seems endless and there's personal stuff pending too. #deepsigh. Off to get me a wonder woman cape.


  2. Unknown
    July 2, 2015 / 6:54 pm

    My Tuesdays are just another day of impossible workload at work, dealing with horrible bosses, and another day to encounter on my way to Friday.


    (Its not always as bad as it sounds I'm a bit of a drama queen)