Sunday was Father’s Day and although it may seem too late to post this, they only get to
celebrate once a year. Some have considered it unfair considering
how many times we as women have things to celebrate, mothers day or women’s day ( but the feminist
in me is a bit happy it’s once, we get to fan their Pre existing ego
). Thankfully, I have a wonderful father, and I don’t shy away from
opportunities to shower him praise: so I want to write out Ten
daddy lessons
and an outfit post to go with it.

pray at all times:
I grew up seeing my dad pray, he is a pastor, loves evangelism and pursues it with his heart. I know that but for his
prayers, lol I wouldn’t be half of what I am today. His voice is the
first thing you hear at 1:00 am and 6:00 pm, which is why it’s always been off seeing women on social media, say it’s a woman’s responsibility to hold down the house in prayer. 
Take responsibility:
 My dad never relegated his responsibilities to my
mum, he has clothed, fed and paid our fees. Not to say my mum wasn’t there
to support him, or still doesn’t support him, but he enjoyed being leading, and everyone knew daddy
was going to provide
3) Work hard: I’ve seen my dad trek, without car, hawk, to provide for the family. For example, he will take us to
school in the morning and run back to his hustle. Goodness if I put half of the effort
my dad has in my work, I know the sky will be a starting point.
Too much sleep= Laziness:
My dad could go bed by 12:00 am and wake everyone up
by 5:00 am for devotionals and I’m always like how do you manage to do this.
So I kind of got inspired by that but then my sleeping habit now, is
skewed. I achieve a lot between 10:00 pm and 12:00 am and wake up by 5:00 am
5) Why worry when you can pray: My daddy is the king of “God will provide.”  The man barely worries except in extreme cases but his God has always
come through for him.

Righteousness Counts:
my dad is an upright man. Loves his wife, has been faithful to her, really roots for his friends ( I learned that from him), too honest for his own good  (because Nigeria is never kind to such people). Everyone in the house has access to his phone, lol he can’t hide a secret for the
life of him 😂 so his life is as plain as it comes.

Your family is important :
My family is a close knit one and although I
don’t really do tags of them often, they are my support system. My dad
is always there for the family except he is sick. He was the first to show in school and this continued till my Uni and even now. He shows up for everyone in the family and that is comforting. 😂
Education is important :
I grew up with a wall paper on my room door
that read, “reading is refreshing. Asides from his numerous awards and
publications my dad is always into improving oneself intellectually, now
y’all see why one of my major inspirations is wanting to be a professor??

That daughters are as powerful as Sons:
Ahh my does not joke with his daughters, he will tell you so. Definitely treats us like heirs, our opinion counts and no boy in the
house has a special privilege because you are a male, if it comes down
to it the girls come first (adjusting my crown).
Food is important :
 My dad is a firm believer in eating good. He loves a good food and that always gets him in a good mood. So although I’m not a huge eater, I love food
majorly for aesthetic purposes and my content is usually a shared content space between fashion and food.
you enjoyed this, any typo error can be pardoned at this point cos I written this in a rushed mood. Happy Father’s Day to amazing dads out there who are their daughters first heroes we salute you. Also, we
forgive you for the miracles you couldn’t perform and thank you for your endless sacrifices… comment below your
daddy lessons
My style is a very tricky one and I wear what makes me happy although my style isn’t relatable to many, I would not conform.

Shoe: Desire1709 fashion
Everything else is thrift, y’all know how my thrift game goes 



  1. Lade Ibikunle
    June 20, 2017 / 9:41 am

    You look so cool darling. Your dad should be proud!


    • Grace Alex
      June 24, 2017 / 5:53 am

      Hey Omolade, thank you so much God bless

  2. oyinlola
    June 20, 2017 / 6:40 pm

    I'm so glad you have a wonderful dad, it's refreshing to see. Hope you continue to make him proud.

    • Grace Alex
      June 24, 2017 / 5:53 am

      Thank you so much we will try

  3. Unknown
    June 23, 2017 / 6:07 am

    I related very well with your style and I lovvvee the fact that you try to be and do you, I really appreciate your effort

    • Grace Alex
      June 24, 2017 / 5:56 am

      Thank you so much, I Just updated love God bless you for staying here

  4. Unknown
    June 23, 2017 / 6:07 am

    Also no outfit details