The word “I AM BORED” is a daily term we are used to on daily basis, especially at this age, that reading and creativity is going extinct.

The terrible association with that word is, when that energy is not channneled to something meaningful, our mind is hijacked, to do something negative or we get into a depressive mode or get into trouble.

I will take you on a few tips on trying not to be bored

1) Read a Book: This is one of my favorite things to do and the most beautiful way to get your mind off things and whats more beautiful is that, you gain more knowledge about several subjects.

2) Get a Game: This i try to get on an educative level, I am barely a game person, but I got one Peak which is very engaging “PEAK”

3) Pray: A spiritual leaning would help and there is more enlightenment, into the spirit mind. It gets you closer to your maker
4) Get Creative: If you are into crafts or have hand skills, you may want to create something and its when you realize that you can create more beautiful things with your hands, example, making music, cooking, sewing. I for one makes clothes, I have this little sewing machine that comes handy.

5) Take a walk: Enjoy nature and the beautiful things our creator has blessed us with

6) Sleep: The fast sure way to relieving yourself of boredom anxiety, or stress is sleep
I hope this helps someone, I am not good at this, but yea my blog shouldn’t be about pretty dresses alone.



  1. Demilade
    May 24, 2015 / 3:26 pm

    Thank you for this post. I hate it when people complain about being bored ALL the time. There are many things you can engage yourself with. I love reading and taking walks. I'm also starting sewing lessons soon.xx

  2. Cheri
    May 25, 2015 / 12:38 pm

    Be Better … and yeah you're much more that a cute face and a pretty dress 😉