Japan: A Journey of Wonder and Joy

Sensoji Temple, Japan
Standing in front of Sensoji Temple

Japan has been a recurring theme in my life every day since I returned from my first visit. My friends often send me snippets of Japanese culture, and I see think pieces about Japan all over my timeline. It’s no surprise, really—eight months ago, I experienced the beauty of Japan firsthand, and the memory has stayed with me ever since.

Saidai-ji Buddhist temple, Japan
Saidai-ji Buddhist temple, Japan.

After living in the U.S. for several years, I finally took the plunge and booked my first international trip in over six years to Japan. I didn’t set any specific expectations, except for hoping to be treated with respect and dignity. Little did I know that Japan would surpass all my expectations. To start with, my visit was impulsive, I got wind that Coldplay would be performing in the Tokyo in Novemeber of 2023, and purchased a ticket. Around that time of the year, Tokyo is buzzing with visitors who are there for the curry or book festivals, holiday shopping, e.tc., I seized the opportunity of no longer needing a re-entry visa to the U.S. and chose to travel in November. This turned out to be the perfect decision—the weather was delightful, the festive atmosphere was enchanting, and to top it all off, Coldplay was truly in town. A dream come true.

What’s Japan without some colorful hair
At Sushi Reiwa

Arriving Japan, Seeing God

It’s taken a long time to put a post up, because I’ve been struggling to put my experience into words. Japan is not a place you can easily encapsulate in writing, you have to be there to relive a culture in spirit and in flesh. I called this my pilgrimage, I intend to visit as often to see God again. The fast, clean and reliable train transportation made it easy to visit museums, attend coldplay’s concert, and ship. Since returning, I’ve immersed myself in memories of the breathtaking sights, delicious Kit-Kat flavors, and calming matcha teas. I distinctly remember how emotional I got in my hotel room the last day of my trip, I was going to miss a country where the warmth and kindness of the people made me feel safe and respected, despite the language barrier.

When I think back on my trip, the kindness, organization, and impeccable cleanliness of the Japanese people stand out. I could talk for days about their commitment to cleanliness, but it’s their genuine care for strangers that left the strongest impression on me. The verse “If you cannot love your neighbor who you have seen, how can you love God whom you have not seen?” perfectly embodies the spirit of the Japanese people I encountered in Tokyo.

Postcards from Japan

Today’s blog post was to share some postcards that in moments of sadness, I have found solace in revisiting. From the memories of singing along at Coldplay’s concert, savoring sushi on a balmy day, and exploring Issey Miyake’s store. There’s so much more I could share, but for now, this is just the beginning. As I look forward to my next summer adventure, the immense joy I experienced in Japan fuels my love for travel and makes every journey worthwhile. Here are some postcards from my time in Japan… Can you guess where I’ll be heading to next?”



  1. Selina
    July 21, 2024 / 2:55 pm

    I love Japan. Went there for my 30th. Need to go again

    • Grace Alex
      July 26, 2024 / 1:27 am

      That’s exciting. Definitely the best decision and like you too, I also plan to go back. I think the spring time would be great due to the cherry blossoms.

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